@coachpoconnor After reading this entire thread, I’ve decided to order a set Linlai E-6sn7. I recently purchased a SLP-98; ...
Forgot to ask, did you buy two or four of the Linlai 6SN7s?
Tip: if you’ve not discovered this yet, and only bought two tubes, try swapping tubes front/rear positions in your SLP-98. It can yield different results. Early on I focused more on the front tubes mainly. Later on i.e. placed my TJ Full Music 6SN7s up front (transparency), and PSVANE CV181-TIIs (tonal weight) in the rear spots. The blend of two different type tubes in front and rear spots can be nice.
You can try the same with the Linlai 6SN7s too front & rear only w/other tubes in the opposing spots. Its amazing how it can produce different sounds, tones, textures in different combinations with one preamp.