Reliability and durability are an important consideration in my tube purchases. At this point EML front runner, Liquidsound's review of LinLai will have major bearing on ultimate choice. As he previously mentioned, and I experienced with LInLai 101 tube, build quality appears to be superior to Psvane, does this result in greater reliability, durability than Psvane? And then sound qualities matter a great deal.
MkII standard upgrade includes Nichicon Muse cap replacement of stock Rubycons in mine, volume transformer upgrades and rotary selector, yes volume selector upgrade. Above and beyond, I custom ordered Amtrans volume selectors, far superior to the standard upgrade volume selector. I know because I was going to diy the volume selectors, standard volume control upgrade still pretty cheapo Chinese part, Amtrans is jeweler standard build quality, unmatched precision (Chinese $6 each, Amtrans $108 each). Result of upgrades is bit more natural timbre (NIchicon vs Rubycon) and sound stage precision the MkI can't quite reach, solidity and depth of center stage so much improved, result more dimensional imaging.