Thanks again! I really appreciate your opinion....well, your question is a good one, I had the same thoughts. I purchased the amp from the former german Bob Carver reseller (I live in Bonn, Germany) , this reseller was the Thiel-Accuton company , you might heard about them, they are known because of their ceramic drivers for example. They ocasionally used the amp as a demo and then many years of " shelf life" followed, so no usage for many years....
I will get the chance to test it in the near future in a friends system consisting of ASR Emitter and Magnepan 3.7. As the Emitter is a very neutral amp, I hope to get a better picture concerning to the question: is the Sunfire the problem... Yesterday I tried unsuccesfully more than once to reach a Sunfire repair service "Rita's..." I found in a one answered...not sure if they can be reached by e-mail?!
My best regards, Adrian
I will get the chance to test it in the near future in a friends system consisting of ASR Emitter and Magnepan 3.7. As the Emitter is a very neutral amp, I hope to get a better picture concerning to the question: is the Sunfire the problem... Yesterday I tried unsuccesfully more than once to reach a Sunfire repair service "Rita's..." I found in a one answered...not sure if they can be reached by e-mail?!
My best regards, Adrian