Linn OEM Power Cables

Does anyone have an opinion on the OEM cables that come with Linn equipment (in particular, power amplifiers). I asked Linn their opinion on after-market power cords and they (of course) stated that their OEM cables are ideal for the units. I'd appreciate any thoughts on this issue.

My experience on switch mode units is not with Linn but rather Chord Electronics' power amps - they do respond favourable to various pc. YMMV and of course pc is highly subjective.
I agree with Whknopp0713, on my Klouts(toroidal transformer)
PS Audio Mini-Lab work wonders, on my Ikemi and Kairn-pro (switch mode power supply)there was no difference.
Getting Linn or any manufacturer to openly admit that they provide anything less than optimum would be impossible. I have an Ikemi and have added the Cardas QuadLink and am very happy. For a power am I would look at the Harmonic Technolgy ProACII.
I haven't had personal experience, but my retailer, whom I've known for about ten years [and who is famously known for being particular] doesn't like non-OEMs in his own gear.