1968 still in HS: Utah: They came in the package from the local brick and mortar with a Fischer receiver and Dual/Shure TT. The tweeter was awful and I was glad to part ways with them!!! My innocent start into audiophilia.
Headphones only in the college dorm.
First apartment : EPI 201A through children. Added a DIY subwoofer with the emergence of CD. What a fun revelation! Many great hours spent here.
On my own again and my dream speaker: Carver ALS III+. In my dedicated room I have finally achieved the perfect room placement with a sub to kiss the bottom end, along with perfect synergy with amp/speaker cable/preamp. This took a long time to wring the best performance from these and I am glad I stuck with it! The only thing that would get me back into the market is a catastrophic failure.