Listening chair height?

Many years ago I remember reading that ideally your ears should be at the same height as the tweeters.  Does this sound about right?


It’s a starting point, and not always true. B&W sound much better on mid axis, I believe that's how they are designed but not 100% sure, and sometimes it just turns out that way after building.

It’s good to listen to the entire range from on-tweet to on-mid axis in terms of height. Usually above the tweeter is a bad area due to crossover issues.

In terms of turning the speakers, some speakers, like Focal, really sound best with little or no toe-in.

Ultimately it is your own ears and room that matter, but I would not attempt to rigidly enforce the on-tweeter-axis rule.

Thanks for the input, @cd318 ; I am one that doesn’t want to be limited to a strict sweet spot, but I have always been thinking that if there is one in my "listening room," I’d like to find it.

@erik_squires sorry for the ignorance on this subject, what is meant by mid-axis?

These are the older B&W 805s (not the Diamonds) and the tweeter is sitting about 39" above the floor. I’ve been doing some rearranging in my "listening room," and one of the things I just did was I moved a bulkier computer chair out & temporarily substituted a folding metal chair. Slouched the way I like to, my ears are probably at 44 or 45" high. That is an approximate measurement, because I took it by myself. Getting lower is not going to be hard to do, seeing as how I paid about $10 for the chair, way back when, I wouldn’t have any problem at all with whacking 5 or 6 inches off the legs. Another option is the "pillow chair" from Walmart ($98), and from what I remember of my measurements it would get me down to about 4" lower without having to slouch (the slouch is built in) and it would be a lot more comfortable.


My tweeter level and ear level is 37 inches. I am using an Ikea Poang chair (really like it) I have perfect alignment. My speakers are Sonner Legato Unum with the factory stands. 

When I have the QLN Sonora's in place I am 2 inches lower but that is not bad and they sound fine. Guess I could sit on a pillow. 

Hope this is some help??