Many of you if your music is not sounding great ,or at least good your sourse and digital chain is the weak link i hav3 solved this a few years back by other members in part of the multi state Audio groups I go to ,many times just contacts for other Audio people having shoot outs or tips on their digital success. Which I hav3 learned a lot from , starting with your router- streamer combo. No one in this day and age should Ever have a separate modem ,router isf so much more added noise get rid of it . Any,all wall warts get them the heck out . Digital is not grounded
from house to house wall warts create noise $3 piece of junk, I put in a LPS power supply from Linear Tube Audio ,$50 off for $700 on Audiogon. Best LPS under $1200 then judt put a ok power cord like a Pangea sig mk2 for 2 a major upgrade in fidelity ,I use hardwire,but even mu Roku stream more stable .
then your Ethernet cables at minimum from router $200 bare minimum ,end point much more important for a Better Ethernet cable . Then Ethernet hub
I have a ok one not great a good one $3k I paid $600 with decent ocxo clock,LPS power supply and regulators . LHY SW-8 also Pangea power cord not too much $$
but excellen5 value ,no power cords ever with Brass , it oxydizes black on to your AC gold over copper . Putin quality AC outlets again pangea $99 high purity copper ,gold plated 3x better conductor = 3 x less resistance - noise ,Better then bright Brass . Then your system will sound much better.
I also have 20 amp dedicated 4 wire 2 grounds 1 a common ground , the other a
dedicated isolated ground to its own isolated buzz bar to ground outside
a Big difference , if you are in a condo or apt just follow above at end point JCat ref Ethernet cable Excellent !