Logical next step from Legacy Signature SEs? Around $15K...

I posted the same topic by mistake in the HT forum, re posting here. I actually only use stereo.

Honestly, I think Legacy in general has the best bang for your buck for speakers. And these are incredible in my room...but like always, well, what's next? And I would also like the footprint to be a bit smaller.

Mostly I am afraid of losing the end to end coherence, as these speakers go from very deep to very high without really standing out. But I am also partial to silk dome tweeters, a bit warmer sound and good aesthetics. 

What would be some of the options, where I guess, I will lose out on the bottom end, but gain midrange and high end?

Room size about 16 ft by 17 ft. Metrum Onyx dac to Luxman L509X integrated. I also use a Lyric Audio Ti 140 MK2 when in the mood for tubes. Musically everything from jazz (Blue Note, Impluse, Riverside) from the 50s/60s, to classic rock, indie rock, electronic, eclectic world music....I like and listen to every thing. So that's the main thing, the speaker can't be genre constrained. I love that about Legacy. I like Devore Fidelity a lot for example, very spritely speakers, but typically their speakers lack the body. Haven't heard the wide baffled speakers though.


we are a legacy dealer the signature se is very ha4rd to beat even at 15k 


we would recommend a pair of kef reference 5 20k or the kef reference 3 with a kef kc 92 subwoofer the ref 3 are remarkably transparent and are very holographic


a sleeepe ris the alta audio Adams at Axponna they were as good as a 40k pair of wilson daws they are also remarkably transparent and have amazing bass


Dave and Troy

audio Intellect nj

Legacy, Kef and alta audio dealers


I’d give a good look at these Joseph Audio Pearls. A friend of mine has them and compared them to both KEFs and Legacy speakers and he found the Pearls to be superior. There is something very special about the crossover Joseph Audio uses that produces magic. No idea about Alta but heard very good things. Also, I’m not a dealer of anything so no conflict of interest here.  I think the Vandy Quatro is another excellent recommendation, but it’s time/phase coherent and you need to be in the sweet spot for it to sound good.  Best of luck in your search.


@carlsbad2 , I am surprised to hear! I thought Tektons were very popular here? Anyway, if you read carefully, I am looking for something with perhaps a smaller footprint or the same....they could be taller, I actually like slim and tall speakers like the Blade. Tekton's bigger speakers just do not look good to me, and for me aesthetics are also important.

@tomic601 , yep these may be an option. I never thought Vandersteens were lookers by any means, but these look elegant enough. I know they sound good in general. I will check these out.

@audiotroy , I bought the Legacies from you! So yeah the Kef Ref 5s may be an option, or an used pair of Blade 2's perhaps. I need to audition these.

@soix , I'll keep the brand in mind, the Pearls new are out of budget but I am ok with used within the range as well. Problem would be to audition them.

@nitewulf Please understand I don't want to start an argument but IMHO, the thin speakers are a compromise on sound quality for aesthetics.  You just can't get the large diameter drivers in them.  

That said, make your own decisions and enjoy.


I replaced my Legacy Focus XD speakers with Fyne Audio F703 speakers and am happy with that decision.