Long ICs versus long speaker cables

I've described my listening room in several previous posts, but basically I'm working with a huge 14x40 space, half of which is my listening area and the other half is an open kitchen dining area. I would like to keep my rack along the long wall and move the speakers back to the short wall (currently I have a nearfield configuration).

My question is: would it be better to purchase 6 meters of speaker cable or a 6 meter IC?

I think I have read here on Audiogon that some amps/preamps, like Shindo, have issues with long interconnects. I currently have Cardas Golden Ref. speaker and IC cables. The Cardas speaker cable is too bulky and inflexible for such a long run. If long speaker wire is the way to go I was thinking of either replacing the Cardas with Audience Au24 or Auditorium 23. I'm open to other suggestions. Thanks!
You will find many opinions as to which is preferable. An optimized setup will outweigh any gains/losses in length of IC vs speaker cable. My main system necessitates the long speaker cable and short IC model and it is the right choice for that room. My secondary system fits that model also but to a lesser extent. From my own perspective, the IC's are conducting very low voltage signals and should be the shortest. Speaker cables have more voltage and current transmitted through them and would be less likely to suffer any signal loss.
I know some folks disagree with you Rhljazz but your logic is also how I see it.
I would go for the longer speaker cable run. A23 cables work well with lengths from 3-8m or so if you decide that direction.
in my home theater I'm using 30 ft ultra-low capacitance IC's from my preamp to the power amps which sit next to my speakers. My speaker cables are 5 ft long.

I'm hardly an authority, but the technical argument I have read says BECAUSE speaker cables carry higher voltage and currents than IC's, they are more subject to capacitive losses, and should therefor be kept short. IC's on the other hand carry lower voltage and current, and also are constructed to minimize capacitive losses.

My experience with my long IC's is I haven't noticed any difference from when I had my pre/pro positioned next to my amps running 2 meter IC's
I would go with the long ICs, I have done so when I was using mono blocks directly behind the speakers. As a matter of practicality I think that you can obtain good quality long ICs much cheaper than long speaker wire. I also have Cardas GR speaker cable and shudder to think of the cost in this length.