Long Speaker cables

I recently moved my system from in between my speakers to an adjacent wall. I didn't expect the sound improvement I got. Problem is I had to do away with my 10 foot Synergistic Research Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and I'm using some bulk 10ga, Blue Jeans cable at present. Sounds good but I know there is room for improvement. Are there cables that are better suited for longer runs? I need 25 feet.
I have the same setup and have tried several different speaker cables. The note from Al above applied after the fact to what I have tried is what I found what works best now. I found that different cables sounded better with a high power system that I was using with B&W 802d speakers than what I am using now with my Avantgarde Duo Omega speakers. What type of amp and speakers are you using? I have a pair of 22' speaker cable for the farthest speaker and for the speaker that is just on the other side of the wall which is only about 3' away.
I contributed to the thread Al referenced. After all my testing I found two very good cables that met my needs: OCOS and Supra Ply 3/4. I'm using the OCOS right now. My run is 5.5m.
for 25' long cabling I have had great results with networked designs by MIT.
MH750Magnum for speakers
Magnum M1 for unbalanced interconnects

Regarding noise immunity of long interconnects: balanced cables are typically superior in that respect; must be compatible with your equipment of course.
I have been using Mogami W2941 for the longest period of time.These cables are constructed of eight conductors.If configured as a stereo pair (4+4)they equal 10ga.I use them as 30ft.internal biwire which equals 13ga.at the spkr.end.I recently compared them to a 35ft.$4000.00 pair of MIT biwires and sold the MIT's they're that good.Other good choices from Mogami are the W2916(6 cond),and the W3104(4 cond).Many sources to purchase from,and reasonably priced.W2941 is around $7.50ft.W2919 $5.80ft.,and W3104 $4.07ft.Excellent value,used by many recording studios.