Looking for a good DAC under $500

I would like to set up a DAC with my Bluesound node 2.  Anyone has what they consider a "Best Buy"?

I appreciate your time,

This might ruffle a few feathers but do yourself a favor and take a look at HiFimeDIY. Some of their offerings use same DAC as Oppo players. <$100. Yes, their stuff is likely made in in China but somosnthe iPhone and just about everything else. https://hifimediy.com/

For the guy whining about members not doing their research.... 2 comments, when you are looking for the next piece, 1) with so many smart and experienced “audiogoners” out there why re-invent the wheel?  2) With so many offerings out there WHY NOT supplement your research by asking a large pool of audiophiles what they are using?

The HDACC by Essence is the digital nerve center for modern audio systems, actually three products in one; a Digital Pre-amp with its own volume control, a 24/192K DAC for use with your legacy analog preamp or receiver, & the best headphone amp on the market. It supports HDMI, USB 2, Optical,Coaxial inputs + 2 Analog inputs with A To D Conversion for digitizing & up-sampling older analog content to 24/192K Hi Res, including Remote Control, and a crisp OLED Display that shows you the native sample rate of the input source and the 5 selectable up-sample rates from 44.1K to 192K to choose from for the output.

Great reviews. Checks more boxes than the Cambridge DAC Magic + recommended above. (See comparison chart on the Essence site.) A steal at $499. Great bang for the buck!

There's not one.   
Don't play around
Get the most expensive 
One you can buy 
So in one year your
Not buying another one
Taking a hit on the $500
One. This hobby is a MF
  Buy a  used expensive 
One Eddie

I have owned both these DACs with impressive sound and within your budget, new or used: 1) Resonessence Concero HD/HP; 2) Meridian Director DAC
Worth an audition.