Looking for a GREAT preamp under $2000...thoughts?

I have a system that is mostly from the mid-90's and I'm upgrading it piece by piece. Just ordered the Gallo Reference 3.5's with sub amp, bought a Graham Slee ERA Gold Reflex phono preamp, and found a second NAD 214 amp for extremely cheap on ebay ($100), (so I can bridge it with my current NAD 214). Before upgrading the amp and turntable (Goldring GR2), I'd like to look at doing an upgrade on the preamp. What can I get either used or new for around $2000 that will blow me away? I think it's prefer solid state over tube, but I'm open to suggestions
Modwright LS100 can be had in this price range if you're patient. Excellent company, great tubes, and nice sonics.
Definitely audition the tube preamp's mentioned and others if possible. You may find they offer a more musical sound and can be tailored to your liking.
I've got one last comment. You've got the amps you wanted, you have some EXCELLENT speakers, now take a little time to audition some tube pre's. There are excellent recommendations in the above comments. The point is to get the most out of those Gallos.
Check out some of Nightshade's offerings. They're tube but supposed to sound great. He has a forum on Audiocircle