Looking for a mid-priced TT to install my 2M Black Cart

I am in the process of shopping of maximizing the value of some of my second system and doing some strategic upgrades.  my first TT was the Project Carbon Debut DC with an Ortofon 2M Red (MM).  I upgraded that to the 2M Black (MM) and it turned it into a great rig (to a point).

I am very aware. that the 2M Black exceeds the capabilities of the TT, so as I optimize this second system, I am looking for a good turntable that would provide a significant sonic improvement over the Project Debut Carbon, and would match well with the 2M Black.  I would like to keep it below $1500 (ideally under $1000). 

I am leaving out the other details of my system to keep this focused on the TT and not have this turn into a poll of what part of my rig's chain I should optimize next... ;-).

Just want some TT options under $1.5K that will help the 2M open up even more!
The only advantage of direct drive is high torque and more stable speed. The extra vibration and noise from a direct drive turntable is why I would not have one. My turntable has one belt. Don’t know where you’ve been the past 40 years or so but you may notice that the best turntables are not direct drive. The only DD ones I can think of are Japanese. Wait, VPI is coming out with some sort of 40th anniversary DD table (they must be cleaning out their warehouse of extra parts).
The thing is are you in this for the long haul or are you just passing through the vinyl domain? Can you save for longer and spend more? I’ve been down the long road as many of us have here. Ultimately, you will spend and sell and spend and sell until you settle on what you should have got in the first place. If you are serious and have a record collection, my advice is to go for it and buy the absolute best you can afford even if it means waiting. I believe this is for a second system. Is that a second vinyl rig or is this your first?  

Speed Stability must not be an issue for you then :-)  The best Turntables available today are ALL Direct Drive :-)

There are no absolutes however after going back to DD some years back I cannot imagine going backwards to a Belt drive TT

For entry level Technics makes some great solutions, VPI is relaunching their top flight DD table too.  

For an experiment you should get yourself a Timeline or perhaps a RoadRunner Tachometer just to see just how accurate your TT is spinning.  

Good Listening


I started with a Pro-Ject Debut Esprit & 2M Black, and it was a good setup.

I now use the 2M Black with a Technics SL1210GR, and I'm in heaven.  There had been 5 other turntables (VPI x 3, Music Hall x 2) in between, and they were all slight upgrades from the Pro-ject or just lateral moves.

@noromance has great advice, and avoid what I did, and just get the best you can, and not necessarily a Technics either.  Saves a lot of money/hassle/frustration.