Nagaoka +1.
Are you still running 5751 tubes in your amps? I love these tubes but they can be a little "etched." Your amps also spec 12AX7s. You might try putting them back in and reassessing the SQ.
Looking for a Replacement for AT VM740ML Cartridge
Thinking of changing out my AT VM740ML Cartridge being I feel it’s a little bright. I like the transparency but would like just a “SLIGHT BIT” more warmth without it deadening the sound, so looking for recommendations.
Previous carts used:
Ortofon Super OM20 which I loved on a previous TT, just not compatible with my tonearm on my current turntable.
Ortofon 2MBlue - Did not last and like the OM20 better
Sumiko Moonstone - Way too dull sounding
Turntable is a EAT B Sharp and Currently using a Gold Note PH-10 Phono PreAmp with the external power supply, and even with it set to -3 dB on all the EQ settings still seems to be on the bright side.
I’d like to stick with MM, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
@noromance My Amps as SS, My PreAmp uses 12AU7’s that I switched out to 5814’s that sound great ! The Phono Pre is the Gold Note PH-10 and that too is Solid State… So not sure where your coming from or if you read my post. If you looked up my system, I did not make the change yet as to the PH-10 being my Phono pre and that could maybe be you thought I was still using the Pro-Ject. Only the TT is bright, my other sources are ok… |
@skiznfliz Yeah, your VS is out of date, then. I missed it in your post. My bad. Too much single malt. Carry on. |
@skiznfliz get MM cart from Audio Technica house AT-150MLX ! If you want the best, try to get NOS / good from ML150..180 series.. my AT-ML180 kills 1500$ MC carts, while running at half track force, 1gf MM vs 2gf for MC! |