Looking for a Tube Tester to use - Denver Area & suggestions for other forums to post on

I used to have a great tester. A Hickok. Then I thought I would never have tube stuff again. I sold it. Stupid me. I was wrong.

I have a few 6DJ8/6922/7308 military pulls I need to test.

I would ALSO appreciate knowledge of what others forums I could post this on as well.

Happy to trade use for beer or ??


Peter Rudy
peter at wwbeagle dot com

Can't say that I loved my experience with them, but these folks will test tubes for you: 

Vacuum Tube Supplies LLC

700 Mariposa St, Denver, CO 80204
(303) 534-5170 https://g.co/kgs/xJrDfn
And let me know if you end up with some extra matched pairs to get rid of... I have those tubes in my dac and would love to hear some more options.
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