Looking for an integrated tube amp under $2500

I’m in the market for either a used or new tube integrated amp to drive my Lawrence Audio Violin SE speakers which have an AMT tweeter. These speakers have a sensitivity of 88db and minimum impedance of 6.4 ohms. The amp should sound warm and smooth without any treble glare. The amp must be also reliable since my previous amp visited the repair shop 3 times in 4 years. I do prefer it come in black and must be 7" or less. I appreciate any recommendations.
Look at the Raven Nighthawk MK3, it's only 6.5" tall and right now is on sale Axpona show pricing. $ 3,000.00I listened to the Raven amps at Axpona last week and they sounded great and are made in the US in Texas.
+1 on the Primaluna Prologue... But at 7" you will need a small fan or forget putting a tube amp in a small space like that...trouble!
I’d suggest the Rogue Cronus Magnum too, or a PrimaLuna integrated. I’d think that either one would work well with your spkrs.
This may sound stupid, but I always just put the grills on my spkrs for recordings that are a bit too bright, because I just kinda think of grills like speaking with something like a paper towel in front of my face. But then again, it looks like grills may not be an option for your spkrs.

I considered the nighthawk and spoke to one of the owners. My problem is that I prefer it come in black to match my other components.


As I stated above the space between shelves is 8-1/2" and it's open on all sides plus my Dialogue Premium was there for 4 years.
Used Audio Research gear might help.  They made a few of these a while ago; not sure which one was the best, but easy to find out by reading a bit.

