Looking for really fine cables at really low price

I have been listening to excellent sounding Exemplar exception cables for the last several weeks. While my HFCables are better they are also much more expensive than the below $500 cables.

They offer an excellent sound stage, dynamics, and top to bottom quality sound. Not only are they inexpensive but they are very portable and easy to install.

I am not a dealer or investor in this company.
Well, RCA connectors do not conform to the "strict" 75 ohm adherence that we read about as being so important in digital. We also read to never use twisted wire as a digital cable, but my Sablon is twisted wire, not coax, and it sounded far better then the true coax cables I had tried before.

I guess there are several camps of thought regarding digital cable builds and what is ideal. I let my ears tell me, but it is somewhat confusing that the math would suggest to not use twisted wire or 50 ohm, but the ears say otherwise? Help?
Hi Bill,

In the analog domain 52 ohms vs. 75 ohms is, as you appear to be saying, an insignificant difference. However when it comes to digital signals, the effects which come into play at the very high frequencies which are present to a significant degree in their risetimes and falltimes (those terms referring to the transition times of a digital signal between its two voltage states, which in the case of digital audio signals involve significant frequency components extending to tens and perhaps hundreds of MHz) 52 ohms vs. 75 ohms is a considerable mismatch. The reason being that at those frequencies "RF transmission line effects" come into play. Which result, in the case of a significant impedance mismatch, in signal reflections bouncing back and forth between the connected components, causing some degree of distortion of the waveform as received by the destination component.

Whether that waveform distortion will result in sound that is subjectively better, worse, or the same than if the impedance mismatch did not exist will depend on a great many complex and essentially unpredictable variables involving the technical characteristics of the signal, the cable, the length of the cable, both of the connected components, and (from a subjective standpoint, at least) the rest of the system.

My point is simply that such a mismatch can be expected to cause the sonic performance of the cable to be inconsistent and not very predictable among different systems, and very conceivably also among different cable lengths.

In any event, enjoy! Best regards,
-- Al
Well said Al and the explaination was perfect! I will compare the 52 ohm Belden to the 75 ohm Sablon once the Belden has more time on it.

I did notice a slight loss of detail initially and perhaps this is the reason. I had assumed it was due to lack of burn in, but we will see.
My initial thoughts on belden i/cs . Keep in mind they have about 20 hrs in my system I have no burner. When the first installed I found them completely different from other interconnects that I currently use such as Straight wire, Chord, JPS labs, Acrolink or Increcable. I is hare many of the findings of Jetrexpro in the bass and a bit bright using it between preamp and amplifier. Then I had found in the post that it is the gold rca that is recommended. I should have read Jeff blog , I have the nickle rca which is probably contributing to brightness. However I moved the belden to my cd to pre and my Acrolink from pre to amp and it is ABSOLUTELY THE BEST my system has ever sounded . I will probably wait to 100 hrs and then order the belden with gold rca,s and maybe some gold rca,s to replace the nickle on my current ic,s. Note The belden cables have improved with just 20 hrs and should continue with more time .
To add,tonality, dynamics, soundstaging, imaging, balance and above all musicality all have taken a leap foward. A realistic and natural presentation like I have not had before . My cd based system sounds like analog. Well recorded disc puts the performance in the room in a way that is making me smile and enjoy very much. Also I played some disc that normally sit idle due to not so great recording or transfer to digital, now have become enjoyable to listen and it sounds like music. For the price of this combination of cables I think it's an outstanding bargain. Looking forward to see how much better this becomes with full break in.