My initial thoughts on belden i/cs . Keep in mind they have about 20 hrs in my system I have no burner. When the first installed I found them completely different from other interconnects that I currently use such as Straight wire, Chord, JPS labs, Acrolink or Increcable. I is hare many of the findings of Jetrexpro in the bass and a bit bright using it between preamp and amplifier. Then I had found in the post that it is the gold rca that is recommended. I should have read Jeff blog , I have the nickle rca which is probably contributing to brightness. However I moved the belden to my cd to pre and my Acrolink from pre to amp and it is ABSOLUTELY THE BEST my system has ever sounded . I will probably wait to 100 hrs and then order the belden with gold rca,s and maybe some gold rca,s to replace the nickle on my current ic,s. Note The belden cables have improved with just 20 hrs and should continue with more time .