Looking for really fine cables at really low price

I have been listening to excellent sounding Exemplar exception cables for the last several weeks. While my HFCables are better they are also much more expensive than the below $500 cables.

They offer an excellent sound stage, dynamics, and top to bottom quality sound. Not only are they inexpensive but they are very portable and easy to install.

I am not a dealer or investor in this company.
Following the lead of Jetrexpro, I too am not ready to make any final judgments on the WE or Belden wires. And I agree that a final judgment on these cables must take into account not only one's position in the "neutral/accurate" vs. "rich/musical/PRAT" debate but also the other gear used with the cables. In my case, my high efficiency vintage speakers are already warm, rich and dynamic; they are very smooth (no horn shout) but the top end is slightly soft and tapers off in the extreme highs. If I use other gear with the same characteristics, the colorations become too extreme. At the same time, I don't want my cables (or amplifiers or any other gear) to interfere with or detract from any of the special qualities the speakers have in the first place. So cable selection is a bit of a tightrope walk.
Jet, Yeah me too! I did shield mine and thus far I love them. We will see what the future holds. I also used Switchcraft connectors. These little things do make a difference. I know connectors sound different and do impact the overall sound of a cable. I would rather just do away with all the RCA connectors/jacks and solder the IC directly to both components. Well we know that is not practical.

Maxima95 makes a great point. No connectors are best and they way I experience the WE wire. Not everyone can use bare wire however.
Well, that's what makes the world go round. I'm going to pop open a nice bottle of wine and listen to my rich and musical rig. Now that I have my tinned copper star I'm going to Marshall my posse for some down-home good music, my brother has arrived with his soldering iron and mutual audiophile friends for a good old-fashioned Sunday shoot-out. We will start to brand tomorrow some Arizona Green Cactus. Today we will all have a resolute good time with tone, warmth, PRAt, texture, emotion, real musicality at any volume I like. I might get up, dance around and "kick out the jams." Today feels like a Rock n' Roll day. Best, Rob
Hi Jet,
You mention the resolution up your SET amplifier and this is what I mean. I was lead to believe that resolution would be sacrifice if I decided to go this route, although I would be rewarded with a "warm and colorful "sound.
. I find this type of impression condescending in hindsight, yes there is plenty of natural warmth, tonal color and vividness but also true resolution without any hype or exaggeration. Given the current make up of my audio system I now joyfully experience the highest level of nuance, transparency and resolution I have ever had. I'm very happy with this result. All of this satisfaction from a "mere" 8 watt amplifier.
I can literally feel your joy, have much fun today with your brother and friends listening to music.