Looking for really fine cables at really low price

I have been listening to excellent sounding Exemplar exception cables for the last several weeks. While my HFCables are better they are also much more expensive than the below $500 cables.

They offer an excellent sound stage, dynamics, and top to bottom quality sound. Not only are they inexpensive but they are very portable and easy to install.

I am not a dealer or investor in this company.
Mikirob, it would help if you listed the equipment in your system. This would give some context to your comments. Perhaps you did this earlier in the thread; it's hard to keep track of all the details in a long thread. That's why many of us have posted our system details as a Virtual System.

As for citing Jeff Day or Yazaki or any one else for that matter, I agree with Nonoise; it adds little weight. Each of us has our own sonic priorities, our own tastes in music and our own tastes in equipment. The only opinion that matters is our own informed opinion after trying the cables in our own system. In that regard, the Belden and WE wire are no different from any other cable. The difference is that they are so inexpensive that nearly everyone can afford to try them, unlike most commercial cables. The fact that people who have tried them reach some different conclusions doesn't mean that anyone is wrong. We simply have different reactions to the cables in our own system. You can find the same thing with most uber-expensive cables. For example, Nordost Valhala cables received mostly rave reviews when they came out with everybody noting the speed and detail. But a few noted they were lean, bright and fatiguing. The lack of agreement did not mean either side was wrong.

Incidentally the one time I did follow a reviewer's advice on cables was when I bought Sablon Panatela interconnects based on Jeff Day's very enthusiastic review. I quickly concluded their sound was not what I wanted in my system. Fortunately Sablon had a 30 day satisfaction guarantee so I was able to return them, but my point is that Jeff's conclusion that the Beldens sound better than the Panatelas didn't carry much water for me.
All good points and this is a great thread. The WE wire is different however from other wire and a value of immense proportions. Salectric, I am confident a double run as speaker cables with proper run in time will please you. I have no doubt based on your system and gear.

After burn in and a double run, if you still don't like them, then I will eat a plate of shepards pie which is the most awful tasting dish in the world to me :) I respect your opinion and hope to soon read you have tried them with proper burn in.
I went back and read again my comments and points. I really do not get your point that: "It's just that you seem to get your hackles up when someone diverges from your point of view and you bring in Day and Yazaki-san and all the loyal followers as if your point of view needs validation when just your point of view will do." I certainly didn't/don't have any "hackles up." Perhaps it is my academic/professional training to back-up and reference my point of view with not only solid research where appropriate, or in this case on a audio forum anecdotal findings and comments by folks who have a contrary experience; especially from a superb designer/engineer with a long, reputable career in audio who recommended the WE16ga in the first place as it is his reference after literally trying hundreds from low cost to mega cost. Yazaki-San kindly brought it to the attention of Jeff Day, a respected reviewer/mod maven who was so impressed he started using it nearly everywhere in his system. To me this information is golden, and worth the reference constantly, as people here tend to forget or obscure details. I didn't discover the cable. I'm merely the messenger saying, "hey look what these guys discovered. You might like it. I tried it and think they nailed it.
So, when A poster drifts way off course of the topic: "Looking for Really Fine Cables at Really Low Price" and is comparing the WE16ga or Belden to speaker/interconnect in the five (5) digit cost sphere and is talking about a ninth degree of better top end extension, inner detail, I think it quite appropriate to say/disagree; and reference other folk who did not hear "bright, thin" except, possibly in a first moment of break-in. That's what we have here. Further, you challenged me, why is it not appropriate to say/challenge a bit, "I heard the opposite." As a matter of fact, it should be my duty to question that poster, no hackles raised, just straight ahead question: "you just stated that the WE is slightly lacking the last ninth degree extension, and you hear a small amount more inner detail with the $18,000 -$20,000 wire, right?" "So, you also thought the WE bright and thin?" Well, again, no hackles raised, I believe I have the right to say, "nobody I know heard it that way, more like full, anything but bright, etc., etc.
I understand. No harm meant. We just have different styles.

All the best,
Unquestionably you've done a genuine service by bringing these cables to the attention of fellow music lovers on this site. You have earned sincere congratulations. I do understand Nonoise's point, no reviewer or builder is a "guru" despite how much we value their opinions and recommendations. The essential beauty of a thread such as this is that a variety of very respected and experienced members freely express their listening impressions. This is an enormous asset for all of us.

Salectric, Volleyguy and Jet's wire break in experience differs from others
here, so what,
that's is expected. Different ears, systems, components and rooms. It's the
highest praise of the W.E. and Belden wires to shine so brilliantly amongst
the very upper tier expensive cable. To put it in proper perspective, this is remarkable!