Looking for really fine cables at really low price

I have been listening to excellent sounding Exemplar exception cables for the last several weeks. While my HFCables are better they are also much more expensive than the below $500 cables.

They offer an excellent sound stage, dynamics, and top to bottom quality sound. Not only are they inexpensive but they are very portable and easy to install.

I am not a dealer or investor in this company.
Wow I take my wife down to Coney Island for an afternoon stroll on the beach and some clams and this thread devolves into a bunch of defensive posts that takes up a bunch of guys time to write. I just hope you guys were enjoying some good music while you were posting your defense :) happy Labor Day guys. Jet
Mikirob, if YOU had read this thread more carefully, you would know that I am not the one who compared cables to Tara Labs or Siltech. I was quoting the reviewer in Positive Feedback. I have never heard either brand at least not in my system.

Thank you for describing your system, both what you have and what you are thinking of getting. I do wish you well in your audio endeavors.

With that I think I will return to my usual lurker status and let you folks continue with your fun.

What is going on here? With all due respect please stop putting words in my mouth that I did not speak or thoughts I did not put forth. You state: "The essential beauty of a thread such as this is that a variety of very respected and experienced members freely express their listening impressions. This is an enormous asset for all of us." Isn't that precisely what is taking place? When did I create a "Guru" out of Yazaki-san or Jeff Day? I merely gave credit where credit is due. Like you do when you credit Israel Blume, or other member's credit other designers/reviewers/mod mavens. What has made me the villain here where I am accused of something nefarious. Has this become Animal Farm and all Pigs are not created equal according to your quote above? It seems a number of you keep lecturing me about there are no absolute "best". When did I ever state that or put forth that proposition? Never, actually. Simply put, I am happy about this wire. I am happy about what I found out about the WE and The Arizona Capacitors. I shared that Info over recent time, and here today it turned weird.
You have a lovely system. I believe I will join you in Lurker status. This crap totally ruined what was a good day. Best, Rob
I wanted to end this fine 3 day holiday on an up note by saying how beautiful these Western Electric 16ga interconnects are sounding tonight. After spending over two weeks with them and listening to them evolve they are truly sounding stunningly expressive. I urge those of you that have some wire left to please build some for yourself. Give them plenty of time for break in. I am speechless tonight at the clean grain free musical expression that I am hearing. Such richness and texture. Even with crummy no name RCA plugs. I am lifted by the pure sonic emotion I am hearing. Stunning. Work comes for me early tomorrow morning but it's easier to face when I hear music like this. Jet