Bradf's suggestions on used Prima Luna gear is a great option.
A line stage and amp for UNDER your budget that easily will compete with 10k+ combos. You can recoup investment in the the event you don't care for a tube setup. Unless your tastes are for truly exotic or USA made, a good investment.
Add speakers,source etc of equal quality used, and you may have a 20k retail setup for considerably less
I would jump on those listings if I were shopping.
PL Dialogue HP user here.
Bradf's suggestions on used Prima Luna gear is a great option.
A line stage and amp for UNDER your budget that easily will compete with 10k+ combos. You can recoup investment in the the event you don't care for a tube setup. Unless your tastes are for truly exotic or USA made, a good investment.
Add speakers,source etc of equal quality used, and you may have a 20k retail setup for considerably less
I would jump on those listings if I were shopping.
PL Dialogue HP user here.