Couple things to consider....have you listened to your new Ma9500 with speakers that you liked? Mac sounds good with some speakers better than others. I just recently upgraded from my Mac to a new Audio Research set up and also got new/used Wilson's. Based on the various testing and research I did Mac sounds good with Sonus Faber. Often they are paired together at dealers if they offer both lines. My recommendation would be to listen to a variety of amps and speaker combo's settling in on something that you will know sounds good. For me, I wanted Wilson speakers then found brands that sounded good with Wilson and amps that Wilson actually uses to pair and test in their own facilities. I found a great deal on a previously owned and fully certified Wilson Alexia's and bought the Audio Research 160S and Ref6SE new while trading in all of my Mac amp's etc.
Hope this helps and let us know how you make out!