With the additional info you provided I’d highly recommend stretching a bit for the Joseph Audio Perspectives and a Hegel integrated — with the $$$ you save by not buying the Mac that should make the stretch a lot easier. I heard the Perspectives with Hegel at a show and the sound was fantastic and everything you’re looking for, and I’d recommend the Hegel over the Mac for the same reason. Plus the Perspectives are very attractive and would look great in your living room.
Another option I’d highly recommend are the new Usher ML-801 speakers that have the benefit of being closer to your stated budget than the JAs if that’s an issue. Haven’t heard them yet, but I’m familiar with the Usher house sound and am confident they too would be right up your alley (I still do think their Dancer Mini Two DMD is also an outstanding option as it’s gorgeous and uses their top diamond tweeter along with being considerably less expensive and well under your budget). Here’s a good review — always a good sign when the reviewer buys the review sample (he upgraded from the Dancer Mini 2 DMD BTW)…
Hope this helps, and best of luck in your quest.