Looking for suggestions for a network capable DAC/Streamer

In my other systems, I am currently using a PS Audio DSD for playing music from a NAS using JRiver on various laptops and desktops to control. I also stream from IHeart/ Classic FM and several others either directly or through Magnum Dynalabs Internet tuners. My problem is my system at work.

I use a desktop that I currently transmit wirelessly from the CPU through either Creative Wireless,  Audioengine W3 or I had been trying to get a bluetooth to work with no success thus far.

My thought it is to something along the line of the PSA DSD and run my music across our network to my work stereo on the other side of the office. As it is a work unit, I am trying to keep the outlay under 1k for the solution. So another PSA DSD even in the used market is more than I am willing to go.....so what else is out there that I should be looking at? I prefer a hardwire solution as I am a distance from out WiFi router and have a switch in my office so running a cable through the ceiling would be a 10 minute operation.

Office system is currently a back-up amp (Perreaux 3150) currently replacing a bedini 100/100 waiting to be repaired (still looking for a Tech) currently a Quicksilver Pre (soon to be replaced with an ARC 17se) with Shahinian Arc's speakers.

I have been looking to see if I could pick up a PSA Perfectwave DAC with the Bridge II card, but all the ones I have seen have also been nearly double my budget. really like the SQ from the DSD but not enuf to make the jump considering its use.


Having continued to research I have come across a  Cambridge Audio CXN Network Streamer that looks like it checks all the boxes. Anyone have any experience with their products or this one in particular? Also was looking at a Logitech Transport (now discontinued) but a guy on eBay has a load of the new SE models he is apparently selling off at the 450 ballpark. The Cambridge is here at 600 but looking for offers.
Currently everything runs thru my CPU, and I would prefer to get it out of the loop hence the need for the network streamer which I assume would also be capable of streaming directly from the net. For background noise I stream from stations directly, thru Spotify and Iheart radio. JRiver is also capable of streaming now.

Was just looking at the Marantz ND8006 which while over my stated budget also has a CD player (a small plus as I do not have a lot of CD in the office) which I could take a first listen to CD's as I have them shipped,  to my work location. It is suppose to be a capable internet streamer, has a decent dac and has good pretty good reviews AND there are none I could find on the used market which is always a good sign. It checks a lot of boxes and seems to do it fairly well.

Just don't know if either will be fully compatible with JRiver, which is very important as I use a 1T ss drive to play from during the day.

Again, this is for a work system with little critical listening, that is reserved for my main system...
KEF LSX fits the price and is wired.  I'm using mine in a home office setting and they are excellent in the room.  I airplay, spotify direct and use Roon natively with them regularly now and it's been awesome.   I had the Audioengine 2+ in their place on the desk before and this is a massive upgrade.  

I have the speakers wired together though you can choose to use them wirelessly between if you prefer.  The only wired audio connection I use is an optical cable for the Sony TV I use in the room ... otherwise music is all network based.  
I highly recommend the Cocktailaudio X45 PRO.  One would have difficulty counting all the features and the sound is extremely good.  I use it directly into a Classe amp then Magnepan 3.7i speakers.  No need for a preamp.  Simple setup with wonderful sound.
