Re: "Cary SLP-98" and "SLP-05" preamps and related "upgrades".
TUBES: The overall sound, stage, presentation, tone, texture is easily changed with these tube preamplifiers by utilizing good matched NOS/vintage or quality new issue 6SN7s / CV181s. See other Agon, Audiocircle, and Audio Afficianado threads on this.
CAPS: basic stock, older Jensen, F1 Upgrades, later Mundorf Silver-Gold / Ultimate Upgrade capacitors all sound different. Up to ~200hrs on Mundorfs to form, settle. I’m seeing members making judgement too early, not giving either unit or upgrades enough time to settle in. The sound does change after 100, 200hrs.
INTERCONNECTS: both of these preamp units can be sensitive and responsive to different OFC, OCC, Silver plated ICs. After tube/cap upgrades, ICs become even more notable. Not as beneficial with lower grade stock tubes and stock caps.
Both are decent preamp units in stock form with stock tubes and caps, however can be greatly improved with much better 6SN7s, upgraded caps. After these are done, great interconnects truly show up. All three upgrades are totally worth it IME.
Anyone here who’s done all of these upgrades knows how it brings greater value out of your entire system, components, and speakers. Sure enjoy mine, fwiw.