Looking for warm tube preamp (should pair well with Pass power amp), budget $6000

Right now I have an ARC ref5se and its nice but looking for something of similar quality but warmer (maybe Vac, CJ or something you think will fit well). Looking for smooth sound, full mid range.



I run a Aesthetix Calypso Signature into a Pass Labs x350.8 about half the time when i want to go 'warm'. I switch that out between the xp-30 as my silly whims change month over month.  Plenty of gain, no compatibility issues, and is super sweet.  I usually run early 50s mullard or 60s amperex to adjust the 'warmness' in both the 12ax7 and 6dj8 positions, although OEM tubes work just fine.  Playback is going through some Wilson DAWs. It's great too since it has HT passthrough and doesn't need to be on to watch TV or do movies.  Plenty of inputs and outputs too....

Surprised nobody has suggested the Modwright LS100.  I have owned and run McIntosh C2300, C500T and the Aesthetix Calypso Sig and I prefer the LS100.  I run NOS Melz 1578(6SN7) tubes and NOS Mullard GZ37 Fat Bottle and the sound is magical.  Currently paired with Odyssey Monoblocks and couldn't be happier.  New pricing still under your budget and used way under your budget with plenty left over for tube rolling:)

What is it with people who think they have to drop $6000 on a tube preamp?  That somehow anything less just isn't good enough?

P.T. Barnum was right.

If your amp has a balanced input, I think you'll find that it will sound better if the preamp is balanced also. If you go with balanced, there is a standard for balanced operation (and there's no standard for single-ended, FWIW...). This standard is known as AES48 and defines how the grounding works and how the signal travels in the interconnect.

Most 'high end' audio preamp manufacturers seem to ignore this standard; I don't know if its thru ignorance or them knowing they can get away with it. But if the equipment supports the standard you will find that the interconnect cable (and how much you spent on it) will not affect the sound so much (if you've ever heard differences between single-ended cables you know what I'm talking about) and you'll have freedom from ground loops (which can increase distortion if they don't result in outright buzz).

When considering a balanced preamp, ask if it supports AES48. If you get 'what's that?' look elsewhere unless you don't mind flushing $$$$ down the loo.