Tweak1 I have considered that. Like the Spatial Audios. Thanks for suggesting.
Looking for wider soundstage
My system consists of:
parasound a21+ amp for LF
rogue st 100 dark for HF
Aurender n10
schiit Yggy dac
don sachs 2 preamp
legacy signature se speakers
Looking for wider soundstage room is not treated but it’s not bad and I have moved speakers around Thanks for any advice I have believed my amps could be better but not sure thanks in advance
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- 78 posts total
@tweak1 , While dipoles do solve some room issues as dynamic speaker they cause more trouble than good. Dipoles need to be tall panels either planar magnetics or electrostatic. The point is that you need the speaker to radiate in the same pattern throughout the frequency range or you get into all sorts of amplitude variations with distance. @backdoor , for dynamic loudspeakers worth the money I suggest Sonus Faber. |
+1 I spent nearly forty years pursuing planar speakers. I loved the ethereal sound… but the power requirements and shortcomings in other aspects made me change directions. I listened to a lot of really amazing speakers, each with great characteristics… Wilson, Magico, B&W…. But Sonus Faber had an incredibly real organic sound to them.
I am now on my third pair of Sonus Faber… upgrading twice. I can’t even begin to explain you how happy I am with them. In particular, when paired with Audio Research equipment. The sound is so seductive, I could care less about more detail… although my system is incredibly detailed… it has such an emotional connection, it is hard to imagine a better system. Ever though I have heard systems of much greater cost, with greater imaging and slam.
@backdoor , as everything Italian the Sonus Faber speakers are very stylish in a good way. The craftsmanship is meticulous. I have not seen a Legacy speaker up close so I really should not comment but I tend not to like air motion transformers. In your situation, without a better room, it would not matter what speaker you are using. Even with 8 foot tall dipoles which are very directional you would still have problems. I just spent $3K removing a window from my listening room because it was f-ing things up and I use 8 foot tall dipoles. |
- 78 posts total