What Atmasphere is saying that you might want the bit of extra power that pushpull delivers rather than the flea power of the common SET tubes. What he has been very diplomatic about not mentioning is that he manufactures output transformerless (OTL) amps. Atmasphere's OTL amps are also worth considering. OTL amps are very lively, immediate and engaging. Good ones deliver clarity and dynamics without being harsh or overly "brittle" sounding.
Many OTL amps were not particularly stable and were prone to going bad, which in some cases, meant damage to the speakers. But, this is NOT the reputation of Atmasphere amps. They are quite reliable.
As with any amp, the basic tonal balance is a matter of taste, and to me, the Atmasphere amps are a touch on the lean side. That might not be a problem with the AN-K, because, if anything, they tend toward being slightly too warm and rich in the upper bass. In any case, if you have a chance, you should audition an OTL. The liveliness of this kind of amp can be quite addictive. I've heard one of their bigger amps with Audio Note speakers (I can't recall the model) and the combination sounded very good to my ears. The only other caveat is that on several occasions, I've heard a bit of noise coming from speakers hooked up to Atmasphere amps, but in all these cases, the speakers being used were quite a bit more efficient than the AN-K model so they were more sensitive to noise issues.