Lossless Files Vs CD's

I'm curious as to how much difference have you been able to hear. Is one clearly better than the other? What are the pro's and con's of each from your chair?
"I would offer this suggestion to you - when in doubt - read Almarg explanation. All people on this forum can testify to that."

I can also testify to that. I don't post allot in here, but I do read a ton. And Al always has by far the most well thought out and technically correct answers.

And both Kijanki and Audioengr are also very well respected here as well. Believe me, they aren't trying to pull the wool over your eyes, in fact, they'd very much like to help us all get to the best sound possible.

I heard Steve's system last year at Newport and can't wait to check out his room next Saturday as well.
Kijanki and Pokey, thanks very much for your kind comments. And I certainly second Pokey's comment about Kijanki and Steve.

-- Al
To: Audioengr, Pokey77 and Almarg: Guys, I think i know whats going on here,;~) but I won't be jumping the guns until i see Steeven at The show and listen to his "bit perfect rip" on his server and than we'll see if somebody really need a hearing specialist or something else is going on because of somebody's involvement with the industry. If, on the other hand, Steeven will show to me that i was doing something terribly wrong for the last 7 years) and CD and files are in fact sounds identical, i will gladly apologise to all of you guys and convert all my CDs to comp(we all know this wan't happening right ;~)). Until then there is no doubt in my mind or moreover ears))) that ripped files loosing micro(but very important ) musical information compare to CD it ripped from. Sound gets muddier, less separation, less air between the notes, voice timbres are not the same any more (DIana Krell "Quite Nits" rip comes to mind), the wind blowing less apparent, priorities and characteristics of sounds are different etc.
05-28-14: Dvavc
To: Audioengr, Pokey77 and Almarg: Guys, I think i know whats going on here,;~) but I won't be jumping the guns until i see Steeven at The show and listen to his "bit perfect rip" on his server and than we'll see if somebody really need a hearing specialist or something else is going on because of somebody's involvement with the industry....
As a point of information regarding this comment, I do not now nor have I ever had any affiliation or connection with any individual or organization in the audio industry. I do not own and have never heard any of Steve's products. I am a retired EE with 33 years of experience designing and managing design of advanced digital and analog circuits for defense electronics, primarily airborne radar systems.

I also have never met or had any communication with Steve, Kijanki, or Pokey, aside from posts in threads at this forum.

-- Al
Listening involves significant subjective judgement when it comes to sound quality.

There is no guarantee that listening alone will determine the quality of the digital source, especially if the two compared are more similar than different. Too many other factors at play.

I am a software engineer with a background in digital imaging for military applications as well and a long time audio geek. I agree with the others that assert a properly impemented lossless CD rip to file has fewer technical obstacles in its way and playback is less problematic than from an optical CD reader typically.