Loudest Sound Ever?

I really like this guy's YouTube channel and I thought several (maybe a few?) of
you guys would enjoy wasting(?) six minutes...


Actually does a good job of quickly explaining SPL. 
Its 10 o'clock...do you know what your SPL is?

In '69 I worked the summer for Marriott Corp, on one of those trucks that rises up to the plane to swap out food service stuff. We spent 1/2 the time just sitting near the runway, waiting for the plane. We weren't issued ear protectors so really got a close up experience of jet noise.

The 2 loudest were the Boeing 707s (various configs had been in use for years by then); and the then-brand new 747. The 707s had sharper, more painful sound (extremely loud engines) and the 747s had deeper, more menancing bass sound (bigger planes & engines).

Many times we sat in that truck buffeted by sound that felt like a storm (the truck shook like it was). No doubt helps explain my constant tinnitus...
....back in my Oaktown Era, spouse, self, and an old fm/GF jumped on our m/c's  and caught the takeoff of the Concorde doing it's 'Round The Globe' Very exclusive flight from OAK.

End of the runway, close as poss.....

!?*!!!!......"Uh, wow....." (followed by expletives....)

Not only LOUDER THAN (*).....FAST 
...you're going somewhere