Loudspeakers have we really made that much progress since the 1930s?

Since I have a slight grasp on the history or loudspeaker design. And what is possible with modern. I do wonder if we have really made that much progress. I have access to some of the most modern transducers and design equipment. I also have  large collection of vintage.  I tend to spend the most time listening to my 1930 Shearer horns. For they do most things a good bit better than even the most advanced loudspeakers available. And I am not the only one to think so I have had a good num of designers retailers etc give them a listen. Sure weak points of the past are audible. These designs were meant to cover frequency ranges at the time. So adding a tweeter moves them up to modern performance. To me the tweeter has shown the most advancement in transducers but not so much the rest. Sure things are smaller but they really do not sound close to the Shearer.  http://www.audioheritage.org/html/profiles/lmco/shearer.htm
I carefully wade into this discussion by disclaiming, up front, that I am not very technical when it comes to field of high end audio. However, I'm hooked. I feel like I know "good" sound when I hear it but more importantly I know what sounds "good" to me. I've been into audio my whole life and only in recent years have I had the opportunity to settle for fewer compromises in my system. 

About a a year ago I had the opportunity to purchase a pair of Zellaton Concert speakers. I had heard these speakers set up at a friend's house and fell in love with their open, layered presentation of music. I'm not saying they're the best speakers on the planet, but for my ears and my budget they are pretty close. 

But, I say that to say this: the patent for the Zellaton driver was filed in 1930! I assume that the design is fundamentally the same and I know that each driver is still painstakingly made by hand. While I'm sure that the technology involved with the cabinet design, crossovers, etc. has changed, fundamentally this may support the case for a slower advancement over the years. 

I carefully wade into this discussion by disclaiming, up front, that I am not very technical when it comes to field of high end audio
JHConnor said the above.  

Don't worry, JH, most high end speaker manufacturers are in the same boat as you.  And that's one reason for so little progress.
I personally think technology has Improved for boxed speakers. I had a pair of Linn Isobariks DMS speakers, which were considered up there with the best available back in the 1970's/ 80's. Today I think they are bested by the ELAC cheap as chips range. I do not know what has changed internally with Klipschorns since they were first thought of by Mr Klipsch in the 30's, but I think my 'new' but old Klipshorns sound rather good to my ears.
Great article by Art Dudley in October Stereophile.  He comes down squarely on the side of the best vintage speakers not having been surpassed or even equalled by modern speakers.