Love it, or Hate it ? (wood trim)

Well, actually not quite that strong!

I'm talking about wood trim on amps or preamps? Some of the wood appears to be quite beautiful, but I think that it looks "wrong" and I dislike wood trim! I'm taking an informal poll:

Hate= Would NEVER own with wood trim
Dislike= Would prefer no wood trim
Neutral= I could care less
Like= Would prefer wood trim
Love= MUST have wood trim

Also, if you live outside of the USA, would you please indicate so and your country, [if you feel comfortable giving this info]?

I'm just curious about preferences, and also to see if they vary in other countries!
I love the look of wood trim when done right; my kid's old Kyocera CD player look great with the wood side-pieces, as does my Opera Consonnance Cyber 10 tube integrated with the wood top I use in my office system. To my eye it adds something to the gear when done tastefuly, breaks up the boring/industrial lines of most audio equipment. Looks like I'm in the minority.

Jeff (Canadian)
Love it UNDERNEATH some gear (those bautifully finished maple platforms from Mapleshade) and on my 1962-era Empire turntable. Don't much like it otherwise, and there's no wood on my last two pairs of speakers (Gallo Ultimates and Gallo Reference 3s). Interesting thread. Dave
I am neutral - if it is done tastefully I have no problem with it; then again, those that have looked at my system know I have more than a little wood "in" my house.