low riding Benz Micro Gold

Hello Gentlemen,

Today I noticed that my cartridge seemed to be riding a bit low. There is only about 1/16" of space between the bottom of the cartridge and the top of record. I set it up with the Mintlp tractor, and 1.9 vtf. The cartridge has probably a little over 100 hours at the most. Is this a normal part of the break in process? I use a magic eraser to clean the stylus, could I have been using too much of an upward pressure while cleaning the stylus, or could it possibly be defective?

sounds like the Benz's may just ride a bit low, it hasn't bottomed out, or at least I haven't heard anything that would suggest that it did. I will ease up on the Magic eraser pressure, but I think the fact that it is riding a bit lower may have to do with the breakin of the cartridge. I checked the alignment again with the mint ( I last aligned it when it was new) and it was slightly off, I just realigned and it sounds wonderful. I did some reading and I was definitely applying too much pressure, I'll take it easy, thanks.
I have had two Benz Glider SL's and they both ride very low! I am sure your cartridge is fine!
yeah my Silver Ref also rides low. sounds great thou...
Stringreen, how do you like your 'LP'? I hear it's the BOMB! ... someday when I grow up I'm gonna get one.
Just for the record, my Ruby 3 also rides much lower than the 5 or 6 previous carts I've owned. A bit of a pain setting it up with the Mint LP but well worth it once you get it right