LTA ZOTL40 Reference+ Amplifier

Linear Tube Audio ZOTL40 REFERENCE+ AMPLIFIER is up on their web site. The sound is incredible. If you thought it couldn’t get any better then you were wrong. Contact Nicholas
t recently purchased the Reference+ and, it functions as advertised for my setup. The clarity, soundstage and dynamics were well above my previous LTA Ultralinear amplifier's capability. The Reference+ has an uncanny combination of detail and musicality that produces a very satisfying and non-fatiguing experience. I had auditioned the Ultralinear+ vs the Reference+ for about two hours and decided upon the Reference+. For sure the EL34s won me over - fantastic mid-range. In my setup which includes Tekton Double Impact speakers - I can crank up the sound and pretend I am in Blues Alley. Huge thanks to Mark Schneider and the LTA crew for another transformative product.

The NOS Mullards EL34 EF2 that Mark found are ridiculous and blow away all their other amps and most others in terms of tonality, texture and overall musicality. At some point they will run out of them, although Mark likes to say there are more out there in Eastern Europe and other obscure countries…he just has to find them. 
Glad to hear the + upgrades are equally positive for the Ref 40. Those who are interested in learning more about the latest Ultralinear can see my comments which were updated today after adding a second amp to achieve monoblocks.