Lugnut needs your advice on small speakers

I'm building a system for a friend on a limited budget and hope to listen to Triangle Titus 202's and Omega Super 3's while in Portland, Oregon next week. If any of you know where I can give these a listen I'd be able to eliminate a lot of self induced stress from trying to do the best job possible.

It would be helpful to have your opinions about these speakers even if I don't get to listen to them. I'm guessing that the Triangle's would be a better match since most users of the Omega's drive them with SET amps. Has anyone heard these and what do you think is a better match with the rest of the system consisting of:

BIX turntable/RB 250/ZYX R100H Yatra MK II
Supratek Syrah
ASL Wave 20's
Spletz anti-cables

I'll be buying a VTA adjuster for the arm as well as a heavyweight counterweight and using Twl's hifi mod that he has so graciously shared with all of us.

Other speakers in the $600 range new or used would be considered as well but they do need to actually be available for purchase. Other speakers I've been looking for, even if a little more money, are the Merlin VSM's, Harbeth's, Revolver and Coincident. Obviously with these speakers I'll definitely need to buy used.

The system will be installed in a small, nearly square room. The room is being gutted and purpose remodeled for audio use so we should be able to make the most out of it. Even comments about building the room are welcome. Consultation with an acoustic designer is not budgeted.

My friend listens mainly to rock but loves the mixed bag of music I play for him at my house. He appreciates an excellent recording of a great performance of good music just like I do regardless of genre. I look for him to seek out all types of vinyl that meets this description based on my carbon based library.

Thanks in advance for you reasoned responses.

Considering the amp and your friend's taste, look for a spk. which is easy to drive and has good bass. Forget Spendors S3/5's and Harbeth HL-P3's as they require lots of juice. Buy a small floorstander, Tanoy MX-3 for $315 new are a very good deal. Also, the MX1/MX2 bookshelf spks. are available as well the last I looked. Haven't personally heard the Triangle's you mentioned but they may match well w/a warm amp? They will not give the bass for rock unless a sub is used. Good Luck!
I have heard the little Triangles (in fact had them @ home for a while). I enjoyed playing music through them.

To simplify description: they are pleasant to listen to as long as one doesn't have inordinate expectations. They are neither the most detailed spkrs nor do they have huge extension. One shouldn't expect that. However, the pair I had a system q of ~1, was nicely rounded in the mids, and imaged well as expected from a small box.
As I don't know the ASL's, I can't comment on that marriage. My amp is a classA ss and didn't have any sonic problems.

I'm sorry I have little to contribute... maybe I know s/thing & can't think of it now??? Cheers
I personally think the tyler acoustic speakers are a very good value in a bookshelf. At a cheaper pricepoint, I like the totem dreamcatcher and the vonschweikert VR-1.