Lumin X1 latest Review like we have been saying

For many years we have been touting the Lumin products as being one of the best sounding and best implimented paths to creating a fantastic sound in your system.

We sought to be a Lumin dealer after the A1 came out and pretty much got rave reviews as being the best sounding streamer out there, each successive product was better the new T2 is amazing at its price point and challenges $7k streamer/dacs/

The lastest review

sums up Lumins history and even offers a comparison of the X1 vs the Total Dac, and DCS and the Aqua Formula, we actually have tested the upgraded Formula V2 with the Statement and it does sound even bettter.
Summation the best sound the reviewer ever accheived was with the X1.

We sell some of the worlds best dacs, including T+A, Light Harmonic, Aqua Hif, Naim, Mytek, Bricasti, and with the X1 you have to spend $30-50k to better the X1, it is nice to see that other people are agreeing with exactly what we have been saying all along.

If you are looking for the best sound for the money, rock solid reliability, a fantastic feature set, Tidal, Qbouz, Spotify, Apple Airplay to play Youtube or Soundcloud, OTA upgrades, Roon endpoint, full Mqua, DSD and High data rate upsampling, upconversion and playability, solid build quality, built in volume control, the Lumin products are hard to beat.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Lumin dealers
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I am using EtherRegen upstream of Lumin X1. Could anyone comment whether having Mutec Ref10 clock upstream of Lumin X1 would noticeably increase the SQ?
Hi @audiotroy sorry to join late on this thread.   I currently own the Lumin T2, and am really enjoying it.   I've been getting the upgrade fever lately and considering the X1.  I'm sure the X1 is a much better player.   Just curious if you think it's worth that extra almost $10K over the T2?

Thanks very much.
@xcool   I'm also a Lumin dealer, so perhaps I can offer a little insight on this.  Let me start by saying the X1 truly is a world class streamer.  But I'm a huge fan of the T2.  The performance it offers at it's price class is simply outstanding.

The answer to your question is really not an easy one.  Would you notice the difference b/t the two on back to back tests....likely.  Is the X1 the higher performer of the two....absolutely.  Is it worth the price difference.....maybe.  

Like every change in this strange hobby of ours, your incremental gain in sound quality will be in small percentages.  So think of the X1 being, say, 8-10% better than the the T2 overall. (just throwing those numbers out there as an example)

Is that worth the price difference in your setup....If you have the money, and don't mind spending it, then it may.
We have the x1 vs the worlds Best and most technologically advanced dac the 35k t+a3100 hv the t+a is amazing the x1 comes in a good second

The t2 is excellent it just is not in the same class as the x1

We take t2s in trade all the time