LUXMAN L509X VS M700/C700U

I have a Luxman m700u AMP and  with its DAC Luxman DA-06. I have been using my Oppo HA-1 preamp with this equipment.
I have triangle signature delta speakers.

my next step is to either sell M700u and buy L509x or get C700u to complete the paring with M700.
Please comment with experience.

My Dac da 06 is arriving next week I can’t wait to see and hear with them 
word out there says that this Dac makes things less bright 
@rizwanalimohd There was a British review of the 509x integrated and it stated that the preamp and amp sections of the 509x were derived from the 700 series. If I can find that review I will post on this thread (later tonight if I find it)

I have demoed both the 509x and the 900 series on the same system and the differences were rather large in favor of the 900 series.

@mountainsong  What preamp or DAC with volume are you using the m900u amps with? I am thinking of going with the $2.5K Benchmark LA4 preamp instead of the $15K Luxman c900u preamp. I will do a 30 trial with the LA4 preamp first but I was curious if others used anything other than the c900u.
The Oppo is probably not doing a great job with that system as a preamp, a good preamp can make or break a system.

You should borrow a Luxman preamp and see if it makes the system way better. Other good options is a good tube preamp.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
+1 on borrowing / listening for yourself.

I stand by my recommendations, based on where the OP is starting from, but I also think the OP's wallet and ears matter more than mine. :D
I think OP will replace oppo with luxman Dac. Seems most agree all tube set up will be ideal. 
Agree with mastersound recommendation, best tubes I’ve ever heard as well. They are 
very hard to find on a used market though. I’d stay away from integrated if above tube set up is an option. Is audition possible ?