Kehut-great response, and thank you. Your preference?
I have heard the Argo i and liked it very much. I recognise the lean character too, but hear the speed and quality of the sound, rather than quantity alone. Have not heard ZYX, yet too some degree can anticipate the sound-maybe? Less lean perhaps,(more body?)with similar resolution?
Is the Fuji as fast and detailed as the Helikon? I really need some feedback to make some choices soon.
I have heard the Argo i and liked it very much. I recognise the lean character too, but hear the speed and quality of the sound, rather than quantity alone. Have not heard ZYX, yet too some degree can anticipate the sound-maybe? Less lean perhaps,(more body?)with similar resolution?
Is the Fuji as fast and detailed as the Helikon? I really need some feedback to make some choices soon.