Thanks Marakanetz, Syntax and Jcarr for your really interesting inputs.
Finally I would like to comment something about the VTA.
Reading some information about it in the Van den Hul FAQ webpage he recommends to increase 4-6mm the pilar's height but In my humble opinion I totally disagree with this point, at least with my others mc cartridges (Clearaudio, Benz Micro) results were really bad.
I usually adjust the cartridges with the SME recommendation, this set the cartridge conpletely pararel to the platter.
What experience doy you have with Lyra VTA?
Thanks again
Finally I would like to comment something about the VTA.
Reading some information about it in the Van den Hul FAQ webpage he recommends to increase 4-6mm the pilar's height but In my humble opinion I totally disagree with this point, at least with my others mc cartridges (Clearaudio, Benz Micro) results were really bad.
I usually adjust the cartridges with the SME recommendation, this set the cartridge conpletely pararel to the platter.
What experience doy you have with Lyra VTA?
Thanks again