MA7900 anyone experience problems with firmware ?

Just joined the forum, so greetings fellow audiophiles. I have an MA7900 that I purchased in 2016. A little over a year later I had an issue where it would not power up. Standby light was illuminated but when power button was pushed... nothing.
  Checked the fuse and unplugged it thinking it may be a standby power issue or fuse was shot, but to no avail. Took it to Audible Elegance (Cinci - good people) and they had it repaired under warranty and said it was a firmware update.  Well, the same thing (seemingly) happened today. Good fuse, same symptoms. Unfortunately, warranty expired 3 mos. ago.   Pretty disappointed, have always thought McIntosh was solid, trouble free gear. No complaints for the sound quality and the DAC is top notch. Please let me know if there are any of you that have experienced the same/ similar issue. Many thanks.
Dave & Andrew, thanks for your replies. Considering it’s happened twice, I’m going “by the book” on this. Boxed it up and returned to the dealer. Microprocessors are way outside my wheelhouse. The manual recommends holding down the power button and allowing the amp to cycle. This did not work so I’m reluctant to attempt a fix that McIntosh or the dealer does recognize. (no offense). If I discover the way to do a (McIntosh sanctioned) firmware update to correct the problem, I’ll post it on the forum. Guessing others may have experienced this issue.
I'm back in business. Turned out to be an issue with the firmware again. Pretty simple fix... un-bricked the 7900 by shorting (depressing) the TST which is a (labeled) button on the circuit board, plugging it in for 15 seconds (while holding down the button) then unplugging it. Once the unit was put back together, AC power was applied (just the LED light was lit/ no display)  and a USB cable connected between a PC and the 7900 was used to upload the firmware update. After the firmware loaded.... viola ! This was performed by a trained McIntosh technician, however I think anyone who has basic skills and can follow directions could do this for themselves. Not sure if McIntosh will provide firmware updates (via email/drop box) to consumers.... I certainly hope so as it's not a difficult procedure and re-boxing a 75 lb. amp and hauling to the dealer is not too convenient.  

I would like to know if anyone has opinions on what might be the cause of the firmware issue and whether or not a power conditioner would help to address any power fluctuations that may cause this ? 
Inserisci il tuo testo...Hello to all audiophiles, I am writing from Italy, I am the owner of a Mcintosh ma8900 and he has a problem, it does not start anymore, the red standby light remains on. The Italian importer MPI advised me to try to hold down the reset button and also to unplug and reconnect the power cable after several hours, but nothing to do. The warranty has expired from January 2021. The technician in ITALY tells me that it could be a firmware problem. My question is the following: these are defects that some Mcintoshes have, but how is it possible that they cannot do better. I have had Accupahse in the past and never a problem. A greeting

Hola, te escribo desde españa, tuve el mismo problema con un MA8900 y el importador para españa no se hizo cargo en garantía,  dicen que lo había estropeado yo...son unos impresentables,  jamás volveré a comprar mcintosh actual, son basura pura y dura, ahora tengo el accuphase E800 y es realmente magico, también tuve acuphase en el pasado y nunca tuve problemas,  un saludo