Maggie 1.6 vs Von Schweikert VR 4

Currently running 1.6s w/out sub. Just curious, What would I be losing/gaining by switching to VS? I have my own opinions, but haven't heard a pair of VSs. I have just heard wonderful things about them. I love rock and roll, jazz, and vocals. Obviously, I am a Maggie fan, but I am missing the low bass on the 1.6s. Maybe a sub is the better option? I currently run:
Bryston 4BSST
DeHavilland Ultra Verve w/upgraded caps
Shanling CDT 100 w/ upgraded tubes - JPS digital ac
All remaining cords are Audience Au24s - Richard Gray
Ag insider logo xs@2xbrett11
another good part of child labor and audio, maybe they will become Audiophiles hehehehehe.
i have the 1.6's, mated with a rel b3 sub -- great match with plenty of bass response. I have heard many subs with maggies, to my ear the rel's work great with maggies -- very fast and tight, without being bloaty. look at the storm 3 or b3, you can't go wrong with either.
Thanks alot fellas. I am really having a hard time considering parting with the planars. I really do love them. I guess the only thing I'm really missing is the bass with rock and roll. It seems based on your comments that there are sub woofers that will get me a musical bass without the bloat. Maybe I should go there first.
It's funny how people get all caring about $5-$10k speakers being made in China , yet 90% of what they have comes from China including the computer they are typing the post on - bunch of hypocrites.

Where do the electonic components inside the Maggies come from???

It's so heroic to take such a bold stance, but in the end, do nothing about the kids in China while you live in luxury. You are so noble!
Part with the planars, test the waters. But you will be back, that's what I did. Once you go Planar, you never go back.