smodtactical and others
I referenced Erik Squires' comments regarding the A3, I have not heard them. I did audition the Rockport Avior 11, digital source, and Rockport Cygnus loudspeakers, analog and digital sources, and I own the B&W 802d3's. I wish there were means to directly compare the B&W, Magico and Rockport speakers. As I said, the Rockport Avior 11's reproduction of orchestral sound 'seemed' to dissect sonic timbres such that a large orchestra's sound resembled the sound of a much smaller, chamber orchestra. I can described this characteristic as 'thin and loosely resonant'. Could this perceived characteristic due to diminished midrange speaker cone 'self-damping' ? Conversely, is the B&W 'continuum' speaker cone material a source of 'fatter' midrange and lesser midrange resolution due to its self-damping quality, and was the choice of cone material 'tuned' to American listeners of non-classical music ? Further, is there 'self-damping' inherent in the vinyl lathe cutting process such that loudspeaker cones with lesser self-damping are a better 'match' for analog reproduction ?
I referenced Erik Squires' comments regarding the A3, I have not heard them. I did audition the Rockport Avior 11, digital source, and Rockport Cygnus loudspeakers, analog and digital sources, and I own the B&W 802d3's. I wish there were means to directly compare the B&W, Magico and Rockport speakers. As I said, the Rockport Avior 11's reproduction of orchestral sound 'seemed' to dissect sonic timbres such that a large orchestra's sound resembled the sound of a much smaller, chamber orchestra. I can described this characteristic as 'thin and loosely resonant'. Could this perceived characteristic due to diminished midrange speaker cone 'self-damping' ? Conversely, is the B&W 'continuum' speaker cone material a source of 'fatter' midrange and lesser midrange resolution due to its self-damping quality, and was the choice of cone material 'tuned' to American listeners of non-classical music ? Further, is there 'self-damping' inherent in the vinyl lathe cutting process such that loudspeaker cones with lesser self-damping are a better 'match' for analog reproduction ?