Magnepan 1.7s in a 10x13' dedicated room?

I'm planning on upgrading my speakers soon and want to go back to Magnepans. I'm considering MG12s but came across nearly new 1.7s on Craigs List for a good price. Problem is, my room is only 10x13x8', but I can do anything I want to it. It already has three bass traps, (two in front corners, one at ceiling wall juncture in back) and 24 1x2' Auralex absorbers spaced around the room. Floor is hardwood with a big think area rug. Anyone put 1.6s or 1.7s in a room of similar size?
I've never had luck with full size Magnepans in smaller rooms.

Smaller mmgs are probably a better fit,but have not heard these either in a smaller room.

I have also had great success with smaller OHM Walsh speakers in smaller rooms. In general I've moved away from planar designs and more to omnis, OHM in particular, which I think tend to be best bang per buck in most any size room.
Hi Linesource, my friend has the 1.7 in his 12•15•7 basement room.
Sweet spot is about 7-8 feet from the speakers so there's plenty of space
behind the speakers. When you see the room you shake your head and think no no, this will never work. But it does. The sound is very good and 3-d ( depth ) is amazing. Basstrapping is good but I would strongly recommend diffusion instead of absorption on the wall behind the speakers.
We tried both in that room with his 1.7's and with diffusion it's MUCH
better. It makes the room seem bigger and the music is more free and alive. I say it again: big difference . Good luck.
I have 1.7's and wouldn't do it. For starters you need the speakers 3-5 feet away from the wall and you want to be at least 8-10 feet away from the speakers. So without even thinking about sound, the physical layout doesn't work. Go with the smaller MG's that allow wall mount and a separate bass panel. I'd consider 12x16 as minimum room size needed
Don't worry,
We have been installing Magnepan MG1,7s, MG12,s etc in a wide range of rooms 10 x 15 x 8 works fine. Just insert the Attenuator resistors that come with the speakers before you play them,read the manual,experiment and let us know what happens.
Audio Connection
Have you considered the Maggie desk top speakers? They are supposed to sound as good or better than the 3.7s, but for a smaller space. They can be had with two woofer panels, and those can be disguised as tables. I have 1.7s myself. My room is much bigger and I would like to step up to 3.8s, but they would be overpowering size wise. I once had Timpani IIIs in a modest living room. My whole house was probably the right size for them, if I took out all the walls. Too big speakers just don't work, even planars. Been there, done that!