Magnepan 3.6R vs. 2.7QR

I am thinking of upgrading my 2.7QR to a pair of 3.6Rs.
Are the sonic benefits of the 3.6Rs worth the close to $2000+ difference between both (used) models?

Has anyone ever compared or owned Magnepans 3.6R vs. 2.7QR side to side?
The true ribbon is a great improvement over the QR. More air and extention. Also, the increased planar area also improves dynamics and resolution.

If you upgrade you won't regret it!!!!!!!!!!
Yes do the upgrade! I use to own IIIa's with the true ribbon adn there is no comparison (I owned 1.6's also). The 3.6 is a true upgrade from your or even IIIa,3.3,3.5 which are all similar
Meanwhile, in the other corner, some folk prefer the QR, sonicly as well as financially. Don't go by what any of us say. Go listen to both.
I like Eldartford's last sentence, it should be the motto on the forums. With the popularity of the 3.6's you should be able to find a pair some what close to you and can listen to see what you think.

From my experience I greatly prefer the ribbon tweeter equipped models from magnepan, but it may not be your cup of tea.
Thanks for the information guys,
i wish i could audition the 3.6QRs on my system, but i guess that is not possible (unless i buy them)
I will try to arrange an audition with a 3.6QR seller.
How about blown tweeters, is that a common problem with 3.6QRs?