Hi I am thinking of upgrading my 2.7QR to a pair of 3.6Rs. Are the sonic benefits of the 3.6Rs worth the close to $2000+ difference between both (used) models?
Has anyone ever compared or owned Magnepans 3.6R vs. 2.7QR side to side? Thanks
Yes do the upgrade! I use to own IIIa's with the true ribbon adn there is no comparison (I owned 1.6's also). The 3.6 is a true upgrade from your or even IIIa,3.3,3.5 which are all similar
I like Eldartford's last sentence, it should be the motto on the forums. With the popularity of the 3.6's you should be able to find a pair some what close to you and can listen to see what you think.
From my experience I greatly prefer the ribbon tweeter equipped models from magnepan, but it may not be your cup of tea.
Thanks for the information guys, i wish i could audition the 3.6QRs on my system, but i guess that is not possible (unless i buy them) I will try to arrange an audition with a 3.6QR seller. How about blown tweeters, is that a common problem with 3.6QRs?
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