Magnepan lover, which one do you choose?

I have a chance to buy either a pair of used Maggies 2.6r(12yrs old 8/10 condition) and used 1.6QR(2 years old 9/10 condition) as they are the same price or bit cheaper for the 2.6. I still prefer 2.6R because the ribbon. These are the only two models that could fit my room. They have the same power input and output, just different frequency, the 2.6 (37hz-40khz), 1.6 (40hz-24khz). What do you think? Which one is better in sound and sonic?

Thanks for your help.
With regards to the comment by Hifiharv above, I have been using a pair of 3.5r's since 1994 (purchased brand new from an authorized dealer) and I have not seen the probelm he describes. Same thing for a pair of MG-IIIa's that I used for eight years before that (also purchased brand new from an authorized dealer). In my experience, Maggies are built for the long haul.
I had 1.6's and now have 3.5's and while I did have the problem described by hifiharv it can happen in any climate. You have to expect this to happen after many years of use and the fix can be handled by the owner if your fairly handy. I've done it with great results to both speakers. As far as equipment I agree that 1.6's are easier to drive than there larger speakers and if your going to consider tube amp's this can be a real challenge. I have used Speltz autoformers with nice results when I was using tubes but have since gone back to SS with my 3.5's. I would go for the ribbon over the QR's. I loved my 1.6's and feel they are some of the best speakers available today but the true ribbon takes you to another level. I listen to mostly jazz and the ribbon tweeter on brass instruments is superb. Either way you won't go wrong by investing in maggies.
I was contemplating a similar decision a couple years ago between the 1.6s and a used pair of 2.7s (both QRs, though). I was able to compare both side be side in my system and the 2.7 was obviously better. They had more bass and created a better soundstage with more depth though they were very similar in the midrange. I bought the 2.7s and have never had any problems with them even though they were built in the mid 1990's. Sorry never tried any of the maggie ribbons.
Jim Whiney once stated at a show when asked what he thought was the best Magnepan speaker was; "He replied that the 2.6R produced magic". I also read somewhere that he has stated it was the best speaker they ever made. In my opinion they are both very good. The 2.6R is rare on the market as it wasn't produced very long. The real ribbon is a must for many that have heard both Qr's and Ribbons. I think it is really a matter of taste. No matter how many times I stray away from magnepans I always seem to come back. I myself am awaiting a pair of 2.6R's and my much more expensive dynamic speakers are sitting idle in anticipation. They are both giant killers but that is true of any magnepan in my opinion. Final thoughts on them both after I receive the 2.6's. Have owned and auditioned many magnepans in the past.