Magnepan LRS in the house!

I've been a Magnepan fan since day one. Recently I decided to trade up from my MMGs to the new LRS. I had someone hot and heavy to buy the MMGs so I let them go a few months ago and called Magnepan to order the new LRS. I was informed that in a couple months there would be a new version of the LRS called LRS+. So I decided to wait on the order and see early reviews. The reviews are way over the top! Some are claiming the best speaker ever made! So time to order, called Magnepan and was told that the current wait was 8-10 months!!! 

 Si I ordered them and then tried to find a used pair of the older LRS to have something, Magnepan, to listen to over the winter. Luck would have it, there was a like new pair available in Colorado (I'm in Massachusetts). But I was too late...SOLD! Now it gets interesting. I posted a "Wanted To Buy" ad at US Audio Mart.....A fellow, one town over calls me and tells me he bought a pair from a guy in Colorado and when they showed up, his wife said "No Way Jose!"...Get them out of here!.....A plan made in heaven!

 He delivered them on Saturday. Sunday morning I woke up early and welded up a set of risers as I read everywhere that using risers and placing the LRS dead vertical really makes them come alive.

 Once the pain dried I set them up in the listening room.....Node2i into a Gustard X16 DAC...into a Schiit Freya...Into a Pass Labs First Watt F5v2.....

 Oh my! These are NOT older Magnepan MMGs! HUGE improvement! These speakers have bass..Well defined, tight, dynamic base! But the biggest difference is midrange vocals...Not sure the risers are the reason, but vocals are right there! No moving around. I'm still playing with placement for imaging and sound stage, but even just plopped down in the room, they are magnificient!

 Going to be a great winter!



@allenf1963 First, price has little to do with quality--i.e., lack of distortion and coloration in speakers.

Second, Maggies are the only speaker I have ever heard that reproduce EXACTLY what you feed them, unlike any box or electrostat or horn(!) or whatever.

Third, you need some decent power and source material AND, like ANY speakers, they have to be set-up correctly in YOUR room.

Once you figure that our, unless you are trying to replicate a live concert at 160 db coming through 100 distorting box PA speakers driven by 100 Crown amps, well, they don’t do that well, but, given their largest model in the right room with high current tube gear, well, get right out of town if you have heard something better (more accurate) reproducing whatever you have as a source, well-recorded or not.

Glad the OP loves his Maggies and knows what to do to give them the opportunity do what they do best.


It's going to be fun playing them with the different amplifiers I have, Pass Lab First Watt F5v2 Class A 50wch, VTA St120 Dynaco clone Triode/Pentode 60wch, ICE Module Class D 100wch, SET Tube 12wch, Sound Artist SA200ia Class A/B 200wch.....Let the testing begin!

RJS Accoustics makes a couple of modestly sized subwoofer units (pairs) that go especially well with LRS+.

So far, I'm not finding any need for more bass. In my room the bass is perfect for my type of music.....I do have a SVS PB1000 and a B&W ASW 608 subwoofers if needed

rbertalloto, I like the look of your stands . Can you provide us some dimensions so we might make a pair? I'm pretty goodwill metal fab being a Ironworker fo 36 years. 
