@allenf1963 That's a GREAT story. Makes me wonder how often that happened to customers I sold Maggies to in the 1970's-'80's from my shop.
As I have posted many times before, after we locked the doors for the day, we took the opportunity to not only hook-up EVERYTHING to EVERYTHING in my shop, which was a high-end shop I took over in 1976, we also hooked up our guitars (acoustic and electric), basses (electric), took out some brass (trumpets, sax, trombone), etc., and LISTENED to what was what. It was then that my former love for Advent speakers ( and MANY others) died in about 3 seconds--nothing against Mr. Kloss, who was clearly a genius of his time--but we also realized that EVERY box in the shop was "changing" the sound of the recorded and live music. No, Maggies were not "perfect" because ALL recordings, even the direct-to-disc ones from Lincoln Mayorga, are "processed" in some way in the recording studio. BUT, they were the only speakers that just reproduced what you fed them, good, bad, or in between. We did run Audio Research electronics as we were a big dealer of theirs, and the combo was magical. Some may not remember that these two companies used to market their products together; funny that Wendall is now with Magnepan, but that is another story altogether.
Glad you love your Maggies, and thanks so much for the wonderful story!