@audiofilo123 I get your point on the treble of the LRS+. It is a little hot. I tamed that with 2 approaches. I used the Schitt Yggi+ Less is More DAC, which is a bit rolled off on top but a very enjoyable DAC. I am converting the LIM to the Yggi+ MIB since I no longer have the LRS+.
An amp will also help solve this treble issue. My CODA #16 was very impressive with the LRS+. The amp is a bit warm and the bass on the LRS+ was the strongest of all the amps I used with the LRS+.
Another amp (which I am selling) that is great with the LRS+ and seemed to control the treble was the Sanders Magtech. That has 500 watts at 8 and 900 watts at 4. It was made specifically for the Maggies (according to Roger Sanders).
I used the Sanders Magtech with the LRS+ and the CODA #16 with my Yamaha NS5000 speakers since that was the best pairings.