Magnepan MMG........amazing

After two months of break in I finally reached a stage where I can state this is BEST sub $600 speakers on the market,the transients,purity,the detailing is incredible.Of course bass lovers should avoid this speaker,but those want a small essemble speaker(jazz,vocals,strings,etc,etc)this is the one.Room placement is critical and so is toe in,its a very honest speaker so bad recordings will of course sound bad,likes high current amps.Im currenlty running a Aleph 05,which is the only solid state amp I can live with,and the combination is so coherent this could be my reference sytem for years.All the "hype" you here about these speakers are true...highly recommended...
Try here, these are the best comercially available stands available for magnepan's
Tireguy Im going to tap a few holes into the existing brace and use spikes,Im damn cheap and proud of it..:> thanks for the thread.......
I have them. Great sound. Luv it. Wonderful for vocals and jazz. Yeah for the price. TREMENDOUS. I would like to get 1.7i or 3.7i. You need alot of power and current to get the best sound IMHO.
Stand them up (a few inexpensive way to do it), and bypass the fuse ( easy surgery).....,.you will double the effect you are feeling now.
too bad those speakers are for just one listener.

An AV reviewer in a blind listening test that was in the Magnepan room at a Hi-Fi show said ' it is the best sound he had heard at the show so far', he was listening to a pair of MMG's and two Magnepan DWM panels which cost a mereĀ $2375......